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Outstanding Student Awards

The Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies invites nominations from WGSS faculty for up to two Outstanding Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Student Awards. These awards will recognize outstanding student performances in WGSS academics and leadership by graduating WGSS majors and minors.

1. Marley Goldman, WGSS Major (Class of 2024)

2. Jay Jones, WGSS Major (Class of 2024)

Honorable Mentions:

1. Lucy Price, WGSS Minor + Biology Major (Class of 2024)

1. Karina Nehra, WGSS + International Studies Major (Class of 2023)

2. Cierra Norman, WGSS + Anthropology Major (Class of 2023)

Honorable Mentions:

1. Samaia Hill, WGSS + Human Health Major (Class of 2023)

1. Sophia LiBrandi, WGSS + English & Creative Writing major (Class of 2022)

2. Hannah Risman, WGSS minor + Philosophy, Politics, & Law major (Class of 2022)

Honorable Mentions: 

1. Katherine (Katy) Mayfield, WGSS major + Honors (Class of 2022)

2. Dyansti Degouville, WGSS + Human Health major + honors (Class of 2022)

1. Rachel Silver, WGSS major + Economics minor (Class of 2021)

2. Lauren Hunady, WGSS + English major (Class of 2021)

1. Cinthia Medina, WGSS major + Latin Amer. & Caribn Studies (Class of 2020)

2. Karease Quashie, WGSS minor + Chemistry major (Class of 2020)

Honorable Mention:

`1. Dylan Bouye, WGSS minor (Class of 2020)