Outstanding Student Awards
1. Marley Goldman, WGSS Major (Class of 2024)
2. Jay Jones, WGSS Major (Class of 2024)
Honorable Mentions:
1. Lucy Price, WGSS Minor + Biology Major (Class of 2024)
1. Karina Nehra, WGSS + International Studies Major (Class of 2023)
2. Cierra Norman, WGSS + Anthropology Major (Class of 2023)
Honorable Mentions:
1. Samaia Hill, WGSS + Human Health Major (Class of 2023)
1. Sophia LiBrandi, WGSS + English & Creative Writing major (Class of 2022)
2. Hannah Risman, WGSS minor + Philosophy, Politics, & Law major (Class of 2022)
Honorable Mentions:
1. Katherine (Katy) Mayfield, WGSS major + Honors (Class of 2022)
2. Dyansti Degouville, WGSS + Human Health major + honors (Class of 2022)
1. Rachel Silver, WGSS major + Economics minor (Class of 2021)
2. Lauren Hunady, WGSS + English major (Class of 2021)
1. Cinthia Medina, WGSS major + Latin Amer. & Caribn Studies (Class of 2020)
2. Karease Quashie, WGSS minor + Chemistry major (Class of 2020)
Honorable Mention:
`1. Dylan Bouye, WGSS minor (Class of 2020)