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Spenser Feller Ph.D. Dissertation "Big Hole Energy: Sissification and Feminism's Anal Imaginary”

Aobo Dong Ph.D. Dissertation "Mirroring Chineseness: Racialized reflections And Violence In Diasporic Jianghu"


Amanda Anderson Ph.D. Dissertation: “Is My Blackness Getting On You? Race, Porousness, and the Problem of Empathy"

Samantha Wrisley Ph.D. Dissertation: "Misogyny, a Condition: Feminism, Heteropessimism, and the Self"

Dian Dian Ph.D. Dissertation: "Translingual, Transgressive, Transnational: Queer Lala Feminism in the Sinophone World"


Suzanne C. Persard “ Queering Jahaji: An Indo-Caribbean Genealogy of Speculative Erotics”


Haylee Harrell Ph.D. Thesis: “ The Monstrous Mulatta:  A Feminist Genealogy of A Peculiar Invention” 

Samia Vasa Ph.D. Thesis:  “On Not Being Able to End Rape” 

Caroline Warren Ph.D. Thesis: “Caring and Killing: Care Work and Feminist Ethics in the Animal Research Laboratory” 


Taryn Danielle Jordan Ph.D. Thesis: “A Peculiar Sense: A Feminist Genealogy of Black Soul” 

Jordan Lea Johnson Ph.D. Thesis: “Into the Forest Archive: A Feminist Genealogy of the Postindustrial Pineywoods” 

Ryan Christine Kendall Ph.D. Thesis: “Uterographesis: A Queer-Feminist Theory of Sexual Reproduction” 

Stephanie Colleta Emma Maria Koziej Ph.D. Thesis: “Tender Rhythms. Re-Thinking Sexuality, Selfhood and Sociality Through the Hysteric's Desire for Tenderness” 


Suyun Choi Ph.D. Thesis:  “Going into Labor: Gender, Migration, and Neoliberal Lives in South Korea” 

Abidemi Omolara Fasanmi Ph.D. Thesis: “Examining Childhood Sexual Violence: An African Womanist Analysis of Sexual Violence Against Children in Nigeria” 

Ingrid Meintjes Ph.D. Thesis:  

“Bodies Built for Care: Decolonizing Social Robotics through Indigenous Technologies of Care”.


Chanel Craft Tanner. Ph.D. Thesis: "Beyond the Bars: Using U.S. Third World Feminism to Read Carcerality in Hip-Hop"

Natalie Turrin: Ph.D. Thesis: "Of a Similar Nature: Epigenetics and Feminist Science Studies in Conversation"


Mark Smith. Ph.D. Thesis: “Bypassing the asexual paradox: A strategic retelling of the history of asexuality”

Rachel Weitzenkorn. Ph.D. Thesis: "Faces of babies: Empirical evidence on the borders of biology, psychology, and feminism”


Lauran Whitworth. Ph.D. Thesis: "Environmental Eros: From Ecofeminism to Eco-Queer"

Mairead Sullivan. Ph.D. Thesis: "Strange Matter: Lesbian Death in Feminist and Queer Politics"

Nikki Karalekas. Ph.D. Thesis: "Strip Clubs and the Legal Everyday: Sex Work Studies and the Law"

Rachel Dudley. Ph.D. Thesis: "Haunted Hospital: J. Marion Sims and The Legacies of Enslaved Women"


Samantha Allen. Ph.D. Thesis: "Feeling Fetishes: Toward an Affective Theory of Sexuality."

Kristin Petersen. Ph.D. Thesis: "The Logic of Futurity: Reproduction, Cultural Eugenics."


Kelly Ball. Ph.D. Thesis "So Powerful a Form: Rethinking Girls' Sexuality."

Alysia Davis. Ph.D. Thesis "To Honor and Obey: Hegemonic Negotiation in Contemporary Marriage Politics."

Whitney Peoples. Ph.D. Thesis "Beyond Birth Control: Public Life of YAZ and Rep's of Women's Repro Health in the US Public Sphere."

Shani Settles. Ph.D. Thesis "Flesh and Blood, Breath and Spirit: African Diaspora Religions & Womanist Discourses of Wholeness."


Moya Bailey. Ph.D. Thesis "Race, Religion, and Gender in Early Emory School of Medicine Yearbooks."

Cyd Cipolla. Ph.D. Thesis "After These Horrendous Crimes, that Creature Forfeits his Rights: The Sexually Violent Offender as Exceptional Criminal."

Kristina Gupta. Ph.D. Thesis "Compulsory Sexuality and Its Discontents: The Challenge of Contemporary Asexualities."

Aimi Hamraie. Ph.D. Thesis "What Can Universal Design Know?: Bodies as Evidence in Disability-Accessible Design."

Aby Parsons. Ph.D. Thesis "Sapphic Scarlett's, Dixie Dykes, and Tomboys: Representing female - Bodies Queerness in Contemporary Southern Novels and Film."


Lisa C. Knisley. Ph.D. Thesis "The Gendered Subject of Violence: Towards a Feminist Account of Ethical Freedom."

Stefanie Speanburg. Ph.D. Thesis "American, Woman, Borderline: The Material-Discursive Production of Borderline Personality."

Angela LaGrotteria. Ph.D. Thesis "Engendering Regions in Contemporary Novels of Appalachia and the U.S. Southwest."

Shannan Palma. Ph.D. Thesis "Tales as Old as Time: Myth, Gender, and the Fairytale in American Popular Culture."

A. Rez Pullen. Ph.D. Thesis "Preface to Transgender: Fractures of the Wrong Body."

Brandy Simula. Ph.D. Thesis "A `Different Economy of Bodies and Pleasures'?: Gender, Power, and Sexuality in BDSM Interactions."

Danica Camille Tisdale Fisher. Ph.D. Thesis "The Pageant Politic: Race and Representation in American Beauty Contests and Culture."

Erin Marie Tunney. Ph.D. Thesis  "Disrupting Patriarchy: Challenging Gender Violence in Post-Apartheid South Africa and Post-Conflict Northern Ireland."

Jae Turner [Mary J. Turner]. Ph.D. Thesis "Mary E. Hutchinson: The Absence of an Oeuvre."

Elizabeth Venell. Ph.D. Thesis " Queer Projections: Sexuality and Visibility through the Avant-Garde Lens."

Sarah Vitorino. Ph.D. Thesis "Overcoming the Odds: Understanding Formerly Incarcerated Women's Desistance from Crime."


Sarah Prince. Ph.D. Thesis "With `Two Throats and One Eye': Abject Female Friendships in Contemporary American Women's Novels."

Elizabeth Simoneau. Ph.D. Thesis "Subjugated Citizenship: The Politics and Psychology of Domesticity in The Street by Ann Petry, The Dollmaker by Hariette Arnow, and The Changelings by Jo Sinclair."


Paula Jayne. Ph.D. Thesis "U.S. Attitudes toward Adolescent Sexual Activity: A Feminist Analysis of the Second Demographic Transition."

Jennifer M. Nelson. Ph.D. Thesis "Separate Shelves: Gender Distinctions and Market Segmentation in American Children's Publishing: 1860-1960."

David Rubin. Ph.D. Thesis "Intersex Before and After Gender."

Angela Willey. Ph.D. Thesis "From Pair Bonding to Polygamy: A Feminist Critique of Naturalizing Discourses on Monogamy and Non-Monogamy."